D 3000 Hardness and Density Tester

hardness and density rubber tester
2 instruments in 1: With the MonTech H&D 3000, hardness AND density testing of cured rubber samples is made simple, fast and reliable. Arbitrary test sequences are easily pre-programmed, samples are sequentially processed and test data is automatically collected, without the need for operator involvement. Due to the unique rotary tray design, no manual magazine handling is needed; the instrument can be continuously loaded and operated.

The MonTech H&D 3000 combines two important tests in a single instrument: Hardness and density are simultaneously measured on cured rubber discs. The instrument is completely software programmable for fully automated and unattended sample processing from a 20- position sequential rotary tray. Up to 5 individual Shore A hardness readings can be taken on each sample – afterwards the weight of the sample in air as well as in a temperature compensated immersion liquid is taken. Finally the reliable measured hardness and specific gravity test results, median and mean values as well as Pass/Fail status are automatically calculated and reported.

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