
Pilot Plants

Test your process and products with our state of the art pilot plants

We have access to fantastic pilot plant facilities for R&D. These include RONO, Hydrolock and Boch & Sohn.

Rono technicians work with technical universities and training centres for food technology, process engineers and food technologists to design a complex and versatile continuous pilot plant. The design incorporates 50 to 100 bar working pressure.

The modular system ensures that machine’s aggregates and control components can be tailored to meet customer’s requirements for an innovative test facility.

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Test your product at this multi-process plant

Used by R&D and process development teams for the creation and validation of new recipes.

Hydrolocks pilot plant can simulate many types of processes.  The process can mirror different heat medias (immersion, steam, steam air, water cascade), with or without rotation to help test your product process.

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