D-RPA 3000

D-RPA 3000

Converting The MonTech D-RPA 3000 is designed for measuring the viscoelastic properties of polymers and elastomeric compounds before, during and after cure. The acquired data gives exact information about the processability, cure characteristics, cure speed, and behaviour of the compound at the after-cure. The D-RPA 3000 fulfils the complete range of all test requirements; Polymers, […]

Perme CO2 Carbon Dioxide Permeability Tester

Permtech CO2 Carbon dioxide permeability tester

Gas Permeability PermeCO2 Carbon Dioxide Permeability Tester 1 OR 2 CELLS Permeability tester with integrated controls for temperature and relative humidity. DescriptionTechnical Specifications Wide measuring range  Long-life detectors Upgradeable with: 02 sensor WVTR sensor Fully software driven Barometric compensation Graphic software interface Automatic humidity adjustment No sample cutting required Package analysis accessory for packages, bottles, etc.  […]

MultiPerm O2/H2O Oxygen and water vapour Permeability tester

Permtech Multiperm oxygen and water vapour permeability tester

Gas Permeability MultiPerm O2 and H2O Permeability Meter Single or Dual Cells O2 and H2O Permeability Tester with Integrated Temperature and Relative Humidity Controls. DescriptionTechnical Specifications 2 Internal Sensors O2 – H2O Simultaneous or Sequential Analysis depending on Single or Dual Cell Model Automatic Temperature and Humidity Control Wide Measurement Range Long-life Sensors Upgradeable with: CO2TR sensor Fully […]

PermeH2 Hydrogen Permeability Tester

PermeH2 Hydrogen Permeability Tester

Gas Permeability PermeH2 is an instrument for testing the Hydrogen gas permeability through plastic films, monolayer or multilayer barrier films, metallised or with surface coating, laminated or coextruded used especially for electronics, battery, PEM, polymer membranes and hydrogen transport. The software Perme ExtraSolution® allows the user to work with full autonomy after only a few […]

Perme H20 water vapour Permeability Tester

PermTech H20 water vapour permeability tester

Gas Permeability PermeH2O Water Vapor Permeability Tester 1 or 2 CELLS with integrated controls for temperature and relative humidity. Wide measuring range Long-life detectors Upgradeable with: O2 sensor CO2 sensor Fully software driven Barometric compensation Graphic software interface Automatic humidity adjustment No sample cutting required Package analysis accessory for bottles, etc. NORMS: PermeH2O complies with […]

MultiPerm H20/CO2 Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide permeability tester

Permtech Multiperm water vapour and carbon dioxide permeability tester

Gas Permeability MultiPerm H2O and CO2 Permeability Meter SINGLE OR DUAL CELLS H2O and CO2 Permeability Tester with Integrated Temperature and Relative Humidity Controls. DescriptionTechnical Specifications 2 Internal sensors H2O– CO2 Simultaneous or Sequential Analysis depending on Single or Dual Cell Model Automatic Temperature and Humidity Control Wide Measurement Range Long-life Sensors Upgradable with: O2TR sensor Fully Software Controlled […]

MultiPerm O2/CO2 Oxygen and carbon dioxide permeability tester

Permtech Multiperm oxygen and carbon dioxide permeability tester

Gas Permeability MultiPerm is the only instrument on the market, based on patented technology, that performs permeability measurements on two different kinds of gases. MultiPerm is offered with two sensors to be chosen by the customer either oxygen, carbon dioxide or water vapour. In this way MultiPerm has the ability to characterise the barrier properties […]

Melt Flow Index Basic

melt flow

Melt Flow Testing Melt Index Tester Model MeltFloW basic Karg offer a wide range of Melt Flow Testers to suit all applications from manual routine testing to automated analytical developments. The manual equipment is designed for the determination of the MFR value in g/10 min. This equipment works in accordance with the following standards: • […]

MDR 3000 Basic Rheometer

viscosity instrument

Rubber Testing The MonTech MDR 3000 Basic is the easiest to operate and most cost-effective way to determine viscoelastic properties of polymers and rubber compounds before, during and after cure. The MDR 3000 Basic comes as a complete and ready-to-test set consisting of the Rheometer itself, an external Personal Computer with the latest Windows Operating […]

Rubber Hardness Tester HT3000

Rubber Testing MonTech Rubber Hardness Tester Series HT 3000 Hardness (resistance to indentation) is one of the most important properties of rubber products and parts. MonTech therefore offers a full range of handheld and benchtop precision hardness testers according to various scales and standards. This includes devices according to Shore: A, A0, B, C, D, […]

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