Platen Heaters – Electric Diff-Therm

Heat Cartridges Dalton Electric’s Watt-Flex Cartridge Heaters use a unique, patented split-sheath design that allow the heater to expand when energised to maximise heat transfer through greater contact with the wall of the bore. Better heat transfer means less power is consumed to maintain the set point temperature, reducing operating costs. The split-sheath design and […]

Process Heating by Cartridge Heaters – split-sheath Watt-Flex

Heat Cartridges Dalton Electric’s Watt-Flex Cartridge Heaters use a unique, patented split-sheath design that allow the heater to expand when energised to maximise heat transfer through greater contact with the wall of the bore. Better heat transfer means less power is consumed to maintain the set point temperature, reducing operating costs. The split-sheath design and […]

Heater Cartridges

Other Equipment Purus egestas consectetur hendrerit sed suspendisse turpis nisl sollicitudin at. Quam. Whilst its roots in the UK are over 100 years old it officially started trading in 1950 with the sales of paper converting equipment. Over the years the company has expanded its’ expertise into other industry areas. We now offer industrial machinery […]

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